Letters to the coach

Welcome to Coach’s Corner!

In my varied roles, I’ve had the honor of training, mentoring, advising, counseling, and coaching countless individuals from diverse walks of life. My journey has been marked by both challenges and opportunities, mirroring the experiences of those I’ve had the privilege to support.

Coach’s Corner is born from our shared stories. My hope is that within these narratives, you find solace in knowing you’re not alone on your journey. During trying times, the presence of a mentor, friends, family, or colleagues can be invaluable. Sometimes, simply recognizing you’re not alone can make all the difference.

The letters and stories shared here reflect real-life situations faced by individuals. However, details have been adjusted to protect the anonymity of our clients.

Our Philosophy

Harnessing Your Potential

We believe that everyone has, within themselves, what it takes to be successful.

An Executive Coach is a professional who works with individuals, particularly those in leadership or managerial positions, to help them develop and enhance their skills, achieve their goals, and navigate challenges.

 What an Executive Coach Is:

– Facilitator of Growth: They help clients identify areas for improvement, set goals, and develop strategies to achieve those goals.

– Confidential Advisor: They provide a safe and confidential environment for clients to discuss their challenges and aspirations.

– Skill Enhancer: They work on building specific skills such as leadership, communication, and decision-making.

– Accountability Partner: They hold clients accountable for their progress and help them stay on track.


What an Executive Coach Is Not:

– Therapist: They are not mental health professionals and do not diagnose or treat psychological issues.

– Consultant: They do not provide direct solutions or take over decision-making; instead, they guide clients to find their own answers.

– Mentor: Unlike a mentor, who may share their own experiences and provide advice, an executive coach focuses on facilitating the client’s personal and professional development.

– Magic Fixer: They don’t offer quick fixes; instead, they support clients through a process of continuous growth and development.

Executive coaching is all about empowering individuals to maximize their potential and effectiveness in their roles.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

 Charles R. Swindoll

“Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength. Oftentimes our society tells us that if we ask for help, we are weak. But the strongest thing someone can do is take that first step in getting help, whatever shape or form that is.”

Demi Lovato

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”

Dolly Parton

Certifications & Awards

Certified Executive Coach


Facilitator of Growth, Confidential Advisor, Skill Enhancer, and Accountability Partner is just the beginning of what a certified executive coach brings to the relationship.

International Coaching Federation (ICF)


The ICF is the largest global organization for professional coaches, and it sets the standards for coaching excellence.

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